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How can I verify my credit/debit card?
Alice avatar
Written by Alice
Updated over 2 years ago

To verify your card you may be asked to upload a “selfie” of yourself holding the card used for the payment. Here are the requirements for a successful upload selfie.

Taking a photo of yourself (“selfie”) holding a physical card:

  • Firstly you will need a smartphone, tablet or another digital device with a camera, as well as your card.

  • Select a location with good lighting

  • Hold the card in your other hand neat to your face - with the picture visible

  • Do not wear sunglasses, hats or headbands. Check that both your face and the card can be seen clearly

  • Look straight at the camera

  • Check to make sure that both your face and card are in focus in the photo

  • Check that photo is in color and high-resolution

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