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Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

I confirm that I’m not Politically Exposed Person (PEP), family member of the PEP or person known to be close associates of the PEP

Updated over a week ago

§ 9'1. Politically exposed person

(1) A politically exposed person for the purposes of this Act means a natural person who performs or has performed prominent public functions and with regard to whom related risks remain.

(2) At least the following persons are deemed to perform prominent public functions:

1) head of State or head of government;

2) minister, deputy minister or assistant minister;

3) member of a legislative body;

4) member of a governing body of a political party;

5) judge of the highest court of a country;

6) auditor general or a member of the supervisory board or executive board of a central bank;

61) the Chancellor of Justice;

7) ambassador, envoy or chargé d’affaires;

8) high-ranking officer in the armed forces;

9) member of an administrative, management or supervisory body of a state-owned enterprise;

10) director, deputy director and member of a management body of an international organisation.

(3) Regardless of subsection 2 of this section, middle-ranking or more junior officials are not considered politically exposed persons.

(4) A person who, as per list published by the European Commission, is considered a performer of prominent public functions by a Member State of the European Union, the European Commission or an international organisation accredited on the territory of the European Union is deemed a politically exposed person.

(5) A list of Estonian positions whose holders are considered politically exposed persons is established by a regulation of the minister in charge of the policy sector.

(6) An international organisation accredited in Estonia draws up a list of the positions of its organisation whose holders are considered politically exposed persons, keeps it up to date and informs the minister in charge of the policy sector of changes made to the list.

(7) For the purposes of this Act, ‘family member’ of a politically exposed person means their:

1) spouse or a person considered to be equivalent to a spouse;

2) parent;

3) child;

4) child’s spouse or a person considered to be equivalent to a spouse.

(8) For the purposes of this Act, ‘person known to be close associates’ of a politically exposed person means a natural person who is:

1) known to have joint beneficial ownership of a legal person or trust with a politically exposed person;

2) known to have close business relations with a politically exposed person;

3) the beneficial owner of a legal person or trust set up in the interests of a politically exposed person.

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